DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT USERS OF ACCESSES MUST ACCEPT THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: "ACCESSES IS SUPPLIED 'AS IS'. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF ACCESSES. IN ANY CASE THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE." The ACCESS.ZIP file contains the following program files: ACCESSES.EXE The main program. The normal version 152976 bytes in size whereas the dragdrop version is 153616 bytes. ACCESSES.HLP The help file in Windows HELP format. README.TXT This file. VENDOR.TXT Shareware and Vendor info. REGISTER.FRM Registration Information. ARCHIVES.TXT required reading for Archives users. NORTON.TXT An important note to Norton Desktop users and a caution about Accesses Version 1.0 incompatibility with Norton Desktop. CHANGES.TXT Required reading for previous Accesses version users. You MUST Place ACCESSES.EXE and ACCESSES.HLP in the same directory as the TASKMAN.EXE windows program. You must have ACCESSES.HLP installed for the installation to work properly. Accesses creates ACCESSES.INI when Accesses is 1st started if an ACCESSES.INI doesn't already exist. Accesses updates older version INI files with the new info when each newer version is 1st started. Please read at least until you see the asterisk separator. ie: ************ so the INI file is properly setup! REMEMBER TWO IMPORTANT ITEMS FOR ACCESSES: 1. FILE EXTENSIONS ARE PREFERRED !!!!! 2. You MUST go thru the TUTOR in ACCESSES.HLP You probably can get by by reading CHANGES.TXT if you have Read Tutor before. You must read Tutor if you haven't before! To Norton Desktop USERS: READ NORTON.TXT and restore the minimized Norton "child" Windows that can be restored to save their window positions before starting Accesses.exe for the 1st time. You can update any windows anytime later if some of them are closed. Check out the mouse click functions that Accesses has very early in your testing procedure! Read TUTOR in ACCESSES.HLP for more... Follow these steps BEFORE LAUNCHING ACCESSES for the 1st time... During the installation process you will automatically be storing currently opened window positions to your ACCESSES.INI file. All of this can be easily edited by Accesses later but it helps to do some now. 1. Make a backup copy of your WIN.INI file and SYSTEM.INI files NOW. I do nothing to your WIN.INI file; but hopefully you will be prefixing most of your [extensions] section of your WIN.INI file using an Accesses extensions update dialog box later. I will ask you if I can add taskman.exe=accesses.exe to your SYSTEM.INI file during the installation. (This change is not required but speeds the Ctrl+Esc key call to Accesses. If you are using a remote drive, adding the taskman.exe=accesses.exe line to your SYSTEM.INI file speeds things up considerably.) 2. open one copy each of 5 or 6 of your most frequently used programs before running ACCESSES. Open Windows File Manager (or equivalent) and open the File Manager's 'About' Box (under the Help menu) and if your 'Free System Resources are greater than 30% open more windows until this number is between 20 to 30%, but not less than 20%. eg. Open one each of Notepad, Write, Excel, Winword, Amí, calculator,..., etc If you're running windows in the Enhanced Mode, open a DOS window as well and place the DOS window where you want it to be placed. If you are Beta testing Windows 3.1, don't open more than 30 or 40 windows to avoid all of this taking too long. 3. Close any duplicate programs. For example, Run only one 'Notepad'. If you want to keep a duplicate program open, minimized the program whose position you do not want to store. (TUTOR will explain how to save both in a separate procedure after the installation.) 4. Move these programs to the window positions that you want them to normally be in when in the 'Restored' (not maximized and not minimized) positions. USE THE RESTORED POSITION for all of these WINDOWS. 3. Then launch ACCESSES for the 1st time. READ TUTOR in Accesses.hlp. This takes 5 minutes... Do add accesses to your WIN.INI extensions using Accesses' Setup+Configure - Update WIN.INI extensions. **************************************** What's next for Accesses... I'm probably going to add an option to popup another window to display current available drive space. My current thoughts are that this will be a separate tiny-tiny program that is driven by Accesses. This way I'll be using only one timer for both programs... One of the major objectives of Off the WALL Software is to minimize usage of your system resources with Off-the-Wall programs. **************************************** Accesses does everything I could think of to help you access, run, and place your programs where you want them to be. Accesses can even do this from most other programs!!!! If you think of something that Accesses should access and don't know how to do it, call me. Accesses probably can do it now, if you knew how. ****************************************************** I wish you the best computering, Ted PS, if you like Accesses, please register it. I can be contacted at the following: Address: T. F. Wall Off the WALL Software 7680 Cottonwood Ln. Pleasanton, CA 94588-4322 USA Phone: Charge Cards cannot yet be accepted. Registered users can call for product support, improvements and others can make inquiries at the following: 510-484-4129 8am - 6pm (Pacific Time) Site License agreements can be negotiated. I can be contacted on CompuServe; although, I currently access this system on a weekly basis. COMPUSERVE ID 73747,1563 The latest version of ACCESSES can be found on the: CompuServ - WINADV board (slow to receive updates) CompuServ - PCMAG UTILFORUM board (fast updates) CompuServ - SYMFORUM NORUTL board (fast updates) and ARCHIVES is found on the: CompuServ - WINADV board Search CompuServe using WALL as a keyword.